80 Day Obsession Meal Plan Test Run

Yesterday I knew I'd be spending the entire day at home, so I figured it would be a good time to give the newest Beachbody meal plan a try.  I wanted to see just how easy/difficult it would be and see what my initial thoughts were prior to diving into it.  These plans only work if you can make them fit into your real life, right?  So let's see how that did (or didn't) happen!

What is 80 Day Obsession?  (If you are familiar, scroll on down ↓)

Ya'll, there is A LOT of information for this meal plan.  I took the time to watch the videos and read all the material.  The good news is that I am here to help you cut through any confusion and get you organized without stress!

Here's the setup:
  • I printed all the container counts and food lists.  
  • I did not shop prior to this day of meals.
  • I already had a plan for dinner, so seeing how that would work around the containers/plan was part of the trial.
  • There are six calorie plans for meal planning based on your weight and goals - I am in the middle, Plan C.
  • There are many different ways to plan your meal times - I workout in the morning, so I went with that time frame according to the outlined plan.
  • I wrote below as the day progressed and as I prepared each meal.
  • I've got a Q&A at the bottom of the post from folks asking me about the meal plan.  If you have more questions, just send me a message!

This is my real life, what happened yesterday, no shit result.

Pre-Workout Meal:
I don't usually eat in the morning before working out.  It doesn't sit well with me.  As per the plan, I swapped the "pre-workout meal" and the "meal 1 option" because it's less food.  This was the only swap I intentionally made.  It was about 6:15am when I had this.

Container Plan:
What Happened:

I made the kiddos tofu for breakfast, so I went ahead and had some also.
I still didn’t eat all that was called for, but we’ll see if I can stomach more as I get used to eating first thing.
so early....no picture of of my tofu!

Post-Workout Snack:
I worked out from around 8-9am and had my snack immediately following.

Container Plan:
What Happened:
Had my Shakeology and definitely enjoyed it!
Very treat-like.  

I was feeling pretty satisfied at this point and kind of wondering how I'd fit in the next planned meal so soon.  However, I got hungry pretty quickly, which isn't surprising after an hour workout today.

Post-Workout Meal:
It's still early - about 10am, so I wanted to see how much like my normal breakfast I could get this one.  But...oatmeal and a green?  No fruit....This is my first challenge.

Container Plan:
What Happened:
Bam.  I put riced cauliflower in my oatmeal!
It was a little weird, but it worked.
I added some protein powder and a bit of stevia to sweeten it up.
I also added 4 oz of unsweetened cashew milk
which counts as 1/2 tsp.

Ok, so now I've taken some time to look at how much I've eaten so far.

Almost 700 calories before noon.  😮
I will be honest - this frightens me a bit.  BUT, this plan is supposed to make me better at nutrient timing.  Personally, I know I need to be better about getting more healthy food in around my workout and cut back on the heavy dinner and treats after!

I weighed and put everything into my nutrition tracker:

Current Calorie Count: 690
70g carbs / 65g protein (holy moly!) / 20g fat
38% of my calories are from carbs, 36% of my calories are from protein, and 26% of my calories are from fat

My current thoughts are:
- I just ate a lot of food, will I feel sluggish?
- Will I feel like I need to keep up with this portion size throughout the day?
- Treats may start to look more attractive now that I haven't planned for any yet - or just knowing they aren't part of the plan!
- I like my nightly treats...how will I handle this?  And will I eat the whole kitchen at 9pm?!

Must move on....

Meal Option #1: (I actually swapped this with the pre-workout meal as the plan said I could and as noted before, this is the only swap I made.)

It's 12:45pm.  I wish I had planned before now.  I'm definitely hungry.
As I read the container count "That's it?  F***."

Container Plan:
What Happened:
I may have eaten more than one green, but I doubt I’ll
be restricting myself on greens during the plan either.  
This was a good amount of food despite my initial reactions.  
Which, I am sure were totally based on the fact that
I was hungry.

This was a good reminder that I need to batch cook grains and beans to have on hand.  Having things on the food list on hand is crucial to making this easy.
I also learned that tahini and mustard go together quite well.
I ate almost all the crackers while I cooked.  Oops, but no biggie.
Also not sure of the "8 cracker" count per the plan, but these were super thin and good macros, so I filled up the container and it was still under the serving size for the bag.

Again, I measured and tracked:
Current Calorie Count: 992
115g carbs / 77g protein / 28g fat
I got curious on the fiber count:  24g (recommended for women per day by the FDA - 25g)

After this, I feel like I need to really think about what I'm having next.  I usually have my Shakeology mid-afternoon, but I've already had that!  So....

Planning the rest of my day seems a bit harder.

My dinner requires some things I'm not sure fit, but are such tiny amounts - 1/2 tbsp gluten free flour, 1/4 tbsp tamari, 1/2 tbsp Dijon mustard.
Also, the colors are a little off for what I want to make and how to pair things.  I need to fit in a red with dinner and don't have that planned.  A purple is included around dinner also which is a fruit....and my after dinner meal includes a green.  This should be fun.

Then I got lost in a rabbit hole of how to make bean brownies...

So I have to get up and make some grains now so that I can eat my next meal.

Meal Option #2:
This is when I normally have my snack, about 3:30pm.

Container Plan:
What Happened:
I had to get a little more creative and make
some grains since I didn’t have any on hand.  
Good thing quinoa only takes like 5 minutes to make.

Current Calorie Count: 1239
156g carb / 93g protein / 32g fat
fiber 37g

Meal Option #3:
Dinner. I had previously planned to make mushroom stroganoff, so I stuck with that to see how it would work out.

Container Plan:
What Happened:
This meal was more challenging because I had planned before I
even considered testing out this 80DO stuff.  And a fruit with
dinner?  And no carb?  Say what?!  But I managed.
I ate way more than two greens and didn’t have any purple or
red.  I thought about adding something, but just didn’t
need/want it.
My recipe did call for a few things not listed, but they were tiny
amounts so I kept them - tamari, gluten free flour, and dijon mustard.
And PS.  I made the family pasta noodles to go with their meals
and I had zucchini noodles!

Current Calorie Count:  1418
185g c / 105g p / 36g f
I'm digging these macros so far.
The fiber count is still fabulous - 44g

Meal Option #4:
I want all the sweets now, but that's not out of the normal.

Container Plan:
What Happened:
This one was also slightly challenging - I wasn’t sure if I
should make up for those I missed or what.
I dumped the green because I know I ate more than my share
and I just couldn’t figure out how to make it palatable - yet (goals?).
I probably had two purples because my apple was so big, but I didn’t
have the purple from dinner.
I had 1 teaspoon left for the day, so I went ahead and used some.
I didn’t use all of the blue because it just seemed like too much.
My sweet tooth was definitely happy though!!

Calories: 1801
220g carbs / 108g protein / 62 g fat
47% carbs / 23% protein / 30% fat
Fiber - 50g (twice the recommended!)

Fiber Note:  These fiber counts are not unusual for a plant-based diet.  And it is ridiculously easy to hit these numbers and definitely helps you!  It's part of what keeps you fuller for longer and makes things move faster...if you know what I mean.

My final thoughts:

  • My calories and macros ended up really close to what I normally consume, with being only slightly higher in fat. 
  • It is definitely easier to count the containers instead of weighing (yes, I weighed everything for accuracy!) and inputting the food into my app.
  • I am impressed that I was able to put together a day of meals that hit the plan marks almost completely with any pre-planning or shopping.  This tells me that if you stock your kitchen with good foods, it shouldn't be all that challenging for you too!
  • I felt satisfied after every meal and liked that I ate at often.  This is similar to my normal routine though.
  • I will struggle with sweets - this isn't new to me.  However, after putting together that last meal I am optimistic that I can find healthy and satisfying treats to end the day!


Question:  Does nutrient time really matter?

Answer:  Mostly yes.  If you are a beginner with fitness and just have a ton of weight to loose I don't think this is supremely important.  Although, it absolutely won't hurt and could speed your progress.
If you are not a beginner, I totally believe that this could help see gains faster.  If you have been in the fitness game a while you know that progress comes slowly.  So, anything that could help is welcome. If you want to see your muscles grow, you need to feed them.  When you workout you are depleting everything - you must fuel yourself back up.

Question:  Are there any unlimited foods on the plan?

Answer:  Yes!  There is a list of foods that you don't have to count at all.  They are mostly things to spice up your meal (like garlic, spices, and chilies) or flavor your shake (like extracts).  I also believe that you don't need to worry about over eating green vegetables.  The plan does associate a number with that container, but I will be eating as much leafy greens as I can.  Non-starchy vegetables are going to be the most nutrient dense foods and will give you the biggest bang for your buck.

Question:  Can I do this nutrition plan without Shakeology?

Answer:  Yes, you can but I do feel it will make your life easier if you do include Shakeology.  There are ample sources for the red container, so Shakeology isn't your only answer.  Here's why I recommend it:  easy and quick, keeps variety, good nutrition, filling, has worked for me consistently.  Shakeology is more than just a protein powder and is just another tool to get you results faster.

Question:  What if I can't fit in the timing of the nutrition exactly as it's planned?

Answer:  No problem!  The most important thing is to get as close as you can, consume the right foods, and fit it in as close to your workout as possible.  If you are doing your best to fit the program, you WILL see results.  You don't have to be perfect.

Have more questions?  Send me a message.  I can help you decide if 80 Day Obsession is right for you.

80 Day Obsession officially kicks off this Monday, January 15th!  I will be meal planning according to my containers, batch cooking the foods that fit and my family loves too, and prepping what I can prior to Monday.  

I am excited about this program because it has a specific plan to get results.  These are the habits and consistency that bring change.  The obsession is about doing what it takes to make things happen!

If you would like to join me or need some help getting started, please message me!  


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