For the LOVE

The month of LOVE is coming up and there will be a new TWIST on my fitness challenge group that I am LOVING!

February is full of love, so why not embrace that and give some LOVE to yourself?!

The focus of this challenge will be to learn to love yourself. Love who you are and learn more about self acceptance. Today's culture screams for perfection and pulls us in every direction. Some times we feel lost in latest new trend or "research". It's hard to find peace with yourself when every day feels like a battle to do what is best.

Yes, fitness and nutrition will still be part of our challenge. But, we will be using those tools as a way to show our bodies LOVE, not hate. It's amazing what we can do. It's amazing how much we can grow and learn. It's time to give ourselves some credit for all the ways we shine.

Loving yourself for 21 days will include:

πŸ’—  30 minutes daily of activity that brings your body love.
πŸ’—  21 days of nourishing your body with healthy food.
πŸ’—  Focusing on positive self-talk, no body bashing here!
πŸ’—  Activities to get you surrounded with the things you love.
πŸ’—  Share a body-positive, safe space with others.
πŸ’—  Learning to love who you are!

We all need more love in our life and it starts with ourselves.  Take the time to LOVE you!

Ready to get started?  Great!  I'd LOVE to have you!  Click through the link below to fill out the group intake form so I can learn more about you and we can chat about how you can get started.

The deadline to join is February 1st!


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